Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (S.E.E.L.)

This 8-month version of the Spiritual Exercises involves daily prayer and weekly spiritual direction, either face to face or by Skype/FaceTime, with a spiritual director. Spiritual directors and directees meet in a pre-arranged location, usually at St. Ignatius Parish or Jesuit High School. The program runs from October 2022 - May 2023. Those interested should apply by September 30, 2022. Acceptance to the SEEL retreat is announced within a week of applying.

  • Previous retreat experience recommended
  • Application
  • 2 Letters of recommendation
  • Some previous experience with spiritual direction or similar guidance programs (AA sponsor, etc)
​Retreatants and spiritual directors are invited to attend an optional once a month evening sharing session during the Exercises. (See below for dates)

  • $600 (with trained spiritual director)
SEEL Monthly Meeting
The Center for Ignatian Spirituality will host monthly meetings for both SEEL retreatants and their spiritual directors. These meetings will offer an opportunity to learn more about Ignatian themes and share one another’s experiences of the Spiritual Exercises. These monthly meetings are optional. The meetings will be from 6:30 – 7:30 pm (PST). The CIS Director will send each retreatant and director a Zoom link before each meeting.
Apply for S.E.E.L.
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