• What time is Mass?

    Daily Mass:  

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8 am

    Tuesday, Thursday:  5:30 pm

    Sunday Masses:

    The vigil for Sunday's Mass is at 5:30 pm on Saturday

    Sundays at 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am and 5:30 pm

  • When are the parish offices open?

    The parish offices are open Monday - Friday from 10 am until 5 pm.  Although staff may be in at other times,.  Appointments are always encouraged by calling 916-482-9666.

  • Where are the parish offices?

    The Parish Offices are located just East of the Church at the back of the small parking lot closest to Professional Way.  The entrance is denoted by a large brown cross on the front of the building--not to be confused with the large white cross on the bell tower!

  • I want to get married at St. Ignatius...

    CONGRATULATIONS!  Please call the parish so we may work with you.  (916) 482-966 There is at least a six month wait before reserving the Church.

    Here is some information for you!

  • I have questions about the Sacraments...

    The seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church are

    • Baptism
    • Reconciliation
    • Communion
    • Confirmation
    • Marriage
    • Holy Orders
    • Anointing of the Sick

    Please contact the Parish Office if you have further questions. (916) 482-9666

  • How do I request a low gluten host?

    When coming forward for communion, please  enter the end of the line with the priest and indicate to the him to get the ciborium (vessel) that contains the low gluten hosts.

  • What time is confession?

    Confessions (reconciliation) is on Saturdays at 3 pm.  Enter through the bell tower door and wait in the Church until a priest is available.

    You may also make an appointment with a priest for times during the week.  Please call the parish offices (916) 482-9666

  • Where is the chapel?

    The entrance to the chapel is located next to the bell tower.  

  • Where are the bathrooms?

    Bathrooms in the Church are located opposite the Chapel.  They are both handicapped accessible.   There is also a bathroom at the top of the stairs in the organ loft. 

  • How do I join (register)?

    What a delight!

    Click HERE to begin the Registration Process. 

    We're glad to have you with us!!

  • I am interested in becoming a Catholic.

    We are happy to assist you on your spiritual journey.  For adults, we offer classes in becoming a Catholic.  Please contact Heather Derenzo in the Faith Formation department for more information. 


  • How do I enroll my children in the school?

    You can visit the school's website for all kinds of useful information.  https://www.stignatiussacschool.org/

  • How do I enroll my children in Faith Formation classes?

    Please contact Natasha Barnum in the Faith Formation office here at the parish.


  • How do I become more involved?

    Our parish is always looking for volunteers.  Please contact Linda  Parreira and discuss with her your interests and abilities.


  • How do I setup electronic (online) giving?

    Click on the golden Give Now button on the main menu, and select the area you are interested in supporting.  Click on that icon and a new window will open.  By selecting "Give Multiple Times," you can schedule gifts to be made daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.  You may use a credit card or even your checking account!

  • Where is the gym, parish center, or garden room?

    Enter the driveway just West of the Church and drive to the back of this large lot.  The building on the right beyond the school and the black fence is the Parish Center where the gym, Garden Room, and parish hall is located.  

    Note:  there is no access from the small parking East of the Church lot to the Parish Center without enjoying the long walk around the Church and school.

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