Capital Campaign

Our Future. Our Faith. Our Time.

“Whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-9

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A Message from Fr. Tom Lucas & Principal Patty Kochis

In the early 1950s, young families saw their future in Arden Arcade’s open fields. In their time, moved by their faith, they prayed together, built a grammar school and then a church.

That vision and that faith continues to inspire the families of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish and School almost seven decades later. Our church and school communities have grown, adapted, & evolved. Necessary changes have occurred, most recently with the construction of a new state-of-the-art grammar school and parish offices, dedicated in 2019. That huge project required heroic effort and the investment of $12.2 million. Since our first campaign started in 2016, we have reduced our debt load by 85 percent and just have a remaining debt of $2 million.

We have weathered hard storms together: cultural and social shifts, economic and political uncertainty, and most recently the COVID pandemic. Yet strengthened by our faith, we continue to look to the future. Until we pay off our remaining debt, we are unable to make further strategic investments in our parish’s infrastructural needs. We need your support to help us face our future together in this, our time.

At the end of his long, adventurous life, St. Ignatius wrote: “Because of the treasure of hopes we share, everything is as nothing. God has given us hope and will not confound us.” We share his hope for our church, our school, and all our other ministries, and ask you to invest with us in our future, our faith, our time.

Sincerely, and hopefully,

Fr. Tom Lucas, S.J., Pastor

Patricia Kochis, Principal 

Our Future

The success of Our Future, Our Faith, Our Time campaign will allow the parish and the school to prioritize projects that focus on mission and ministry for the future of the SI community. 

Through the community's ongoing support, we've been able to construct a new school and parish office complex that meets our growing needs.


Supporting the Our Future, Our Faith, Our Time Campaign will ensure future generations will continue to benefit from the Jesuit tradition's commitment to the magis, the greater glory of God, and service of our neighbors. Your support makes that possible. 

Our Campaign in 3 Minutes

Our Faith

Igniting Faith for Future Generations

  • St. Ignatius Parish School
  • Children's Sacramental Preparation classes
  • Adult Education and Scripture Study
  • Coalition for Racial Equality 

Bringing Ignatian Spirituality to our Community

  • Spiritual Exercises
  • Lenten Novena of Grace
  • Advent Lessons & Carols
  • Ministering to the Homebound
  • Young Adult Ministry 

Being Men and Women for Others

  • Providing for the disadvantaged of our community
  • Supporting our Sister Parish in Honduras
  • Programs for the underrepresented of our Parish 
  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Our Goal for the Future
The St. Ignatius community is committed to becoming an even more dynamic, welcoming center for worship, education, and service.

These ministries would not be possible without parishioners like you. This is our faith in action, exemplifying the impact of parishioner gifts in our parish & community, now and always.

Our Time

The Hard Work Isn't Over.

Your gift to the campaign ensures that we fulfill our responsibility to pay back funds we borrowed to make our beautiful campus a reality.

We were fortunate enough to borrow from The Parochial Fund, which exists to facilitate the building up of the Kingdom here in the Diocese of Sacramento. Parishes make available their savings at a fair earnings rate in order to allow other parishes to borrow those funds at below market rates. The Parochial Fund is truly parishes helping parishes.

We have a commitment and a responsibility to repay our obligations to the Parochial Fund so that other parishes may benefit in the way we have.

For incoming parents and new parishioners, the groundwork of generosity has been laid by those who came before you. The construction is done and your families will be able to enjoy the priorities of the future.

If you have already invested in the campaign, it's time for us to continue investing in our cherished home-away-from-home for our community.

For our loyal parishioners, this is our commitment to educate the next generation of leaders, instilling in them Jesuit values.

As a parent, there is no better feeling than to drop your children off at school and know they are safe and they are loved. We are so thankful for St. Ignatius.”  

Anne Cordisco

SI School Parent

We’re grateful we were able to make this gift. SI has always held a special place in our hearts.” 

Jo Ann & Larry Clark

Retired SI Teacher and Alum

I am so very proud to come here to work in our new office every day, as well as be a part of our parish community.”

Laura Chacon

Business Manager

F.A. Q. on the Capital Campaign from Fr. Tom Lucas S.J.

  • How are the school’s fundraisers like the Annual Fund and Auction, different from the Capital Campaign? Why do we need both?

    Fr. Lucas:  We need to pay off our mortgage/loan debt the same way you need to pay off your mortgage at home: that’s what our ongoing Capital Campaign is for. The Annual Fund and other school fundraisers add to our school’s funding for salaries, supplies, and programs; it’s like money you put aside for your household expenses. Both are necessary.

    The Capital Campaign is a distinct fundraising activity.  It is a joint endeavor between the parish and school to reduce and eventually eliminate our loan debt for the new school and parish offices. The new school building and facilities were about 80% of the cost of the project and the new parish offices were about 20%.  

  • Why another Capital Campaign now?

    Fr. Lucas: This second phase of the Capital Campaign has been scheduled since 2017. Our first five-year pledges are nearly paid off, and with a little breather after COVID, we launched into the quiet phase of Capital Campaign 2 last October. Interest rates are increasing quickly. The sooner we are free from the debt and interest payments, the sooner we can reinvest in new programs, staff, and improvements.

  • Is this campaign only directed toward school families and not to the larger parish community?

    Fr. Lucas: This is absolutely NOT the case. In this round of fundraising, about 25% of our pledges/gifts have been received so far from active school families, and 75% from parishioners, some of whom are alumni or grandparents.

    We began the school public fundraising phase at Back To School Night on August 17.  For the parish public fundraising phase, there have been two sizeable announcements to parishioners in the bulletins and on the church website.  This will continue.  A major push to parishioners will come over the next two Sundays when we will make direct appeals at every mass. We’re asking everyone to help out.

  • Where is the money for the new gym floor and parish center improvements coming from?

    Fr. Lucas: We got special permission from the Diocese to use reserve funds generated by the school’s endowment for these needed improvements. No Capital Campaign or Annual Fund revenues are being used. Our loan contract stipulates that we cannot engage in fundraising for any major capital projects until and unless the debt is repaid in full. 

  • When will the debt be paid off in full?

    Fr. Lucas: I wish I could tell you. The short answer is “The sooner, the better.” It depends on this campaign. We’d certainly prefer not having to come back to you again in a few years.  Our total project was $12.2 million. Phase 1 paid down $7.2 million through September 2022. Since then, we have raised more than $3 million ($1.7 in pledges, and $1.3 in cash from one-time gifts and other sources). That means we still have to raise another $2 million to liquidate the entire debt. Remember that each year both the school and the parish are committed to pay $190,000 ($95,000 each) to keep on top of interest and to continue to nibble away at the principal.

  • How can we help?

    Fr. Lucas: If you can, please make a meaningful gift to the “Our Future, Our Faith, Our Time” Campaign: a 5-year pledge or a one-time gift. Continue to support our school’s other activities too. And please, pray for the important work we are sharing. We are very grateful for your generosity.  If you have further questions, my door is always open.

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Our Future. Our Faith. Our Time.


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