The Latin word sacramentum means "a sign of the sacred." The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant, and important for Christians. They are special occasions for experiencing God's saving presence. That's what theologians mean when they say that sacraments are at the same time signs and instruments of God's grace. The sacraments touch all the important moments of Christian life, with the Eucharist at the center as the source and summit of our life in Christ.
If you or members of your family are interested in receiving the sacraments at St. Ignatius, please see the links below.
Children's Baptism
This program is offered to parents who request Baptism for their child or Godparents who will witness and support the child in their faith journey.
Parents can attend classes before the birth of their child.
This class is offered every month on the second Tuesday of the month.
Please contact Michelle Conti at 916-744-5169 or email
Adult Baptism
Adult baptism is achieved through the RCIA process. Please register for RCIA if you are interested in being baptized into the Christian faith. Please go to the Faith Formation page for more information on Adult Baptism.
Reconciliation Times:
Saturday (In the Chapel)
3:00 p.m. - 5 p.m.
After the Confessions of all present have been heard, the priest will depart.
Other times available
by appointment
through the Parish Office
(916) 482-9666
Children receive First Eucharist (Communion) and Reconciliation (Confession) after a two-year preparation in our parish school or through the Parish Religious Education Program. Older children who need to receive Eucharist and Reconciliation participate in the RCIA Process for Children. Please contact our Faith Formation Director for more information on First Eucharist and First Reconciliation.
First Eucharist
The Eucharist, instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper, is at the core of our celebration of the Mass. Jesus truly becomes the Body and Blood we receive. At the Last Supper, sharing His Body and Blood with the disciples, Jesus said, "Do this in memory of me" and so we do, through Holy Communion.
Children receive First Eucharist and Reconciliation after a two-year preparation in our parish school or the Faith Formation Program. These sacraments are usually received in the second grade.
Older children are prepared to receive Eucharist and Reconciliation through the Children's Initiation Program.
Junior High Confirmation
Confirmation is a two-year process at the Jr. High level. Students are required to attend the Pre-Confirmation in their first year to be considered a candidate for Confirmation in the second year, when they receive the actual Sacrament of Confirmation.
Adult Confirmation
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is offering an Adult Confirmation class, for adults age 18 or older, who are already Baptized Catholics but missed confirmation.
If you are interested, please contact Heather Derenzo, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator for a registration form and an
interview at (916) 482-9666, ext. 1014, or email
St. Ignatius is the perfect place for a wedding. If you are interested in having your wedding at St. Ignatius, please click the button below.
Please contact a priest of the Parish or contact
Michelle Conti, at 916-482-9666 ext. 1006 or email for more information.
Anointing the Sick
The Catholic sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing for physical, mental, and spiritual sickness. This sacrament of healing is an extension of Jesus' healing of the sick.
The priests at St. Ignatius are available by appointment to perform the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. If you or a loved one would like to receive this sacrament from one of our clergy, please contact the Parish Office.
Parish Office
(916) 482-9666
Holy Orders / Vocation
Ordination to the priesthood is a call and a gift from God. Jesuit priests and brothers serve the Church in a wide variety of ways.
Click below to learn more.
When a family member passes away, we who are left behind can be overwhelmed by the number of tasks to perform. The Consolation Ministry at St. Ignatius provides guidance in preparing for the Vigil, the Funeral Mass, and Committal – the rites that the Church offers. The family of a deceased parishioner is given the opportunity to choose the scripture readings, to choose appropriate music, and to participate in the liturgies as lectors, bringing forth the gifts, and sharing a family remembrance.
Q. What do I do first?
A. Call the parish office (916 482-9666) to begin the process of planning a funeral service. Initial information and scheduling is done at this time. If possible, we will set up a time for you to meet with the priest and the Consolation Minister to go over the details.
Q. How is the funeral home involved?
A. We work closely with funeral homes to ensure that all things run smoothly. They are often the first to contact the Church and offer additional help in planning the service and burial.
Q. Is cremation allowed in the Catholic Church?
A. Yes. The cremated remains of a body should be treated with the same respect given to the human body from which they come. This includes the use of a worthy vessel to contain the ashes, the manner in which they are carried, the care and attention to appropriate placement and transport, and the final disposition. The cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium. (Order of Christian Funerals, #417.)
Q. How am I involved in the planning?
A. The funeral rites of the Catholic Church involve many pieces where the family may participate. Together with the priest and consolation minister, we will guide you through the process. It is important to hear from you about the life of your loved-one. The family often has input regarding the readings and music within the structure of the mass. Together, we will ensure that the service is appropriate and beautiful.
Q. Is music available for the service?
A. Yes, our usual pastoral musicians at St. Ignatius are available to provide music at mass. We are happy to make the contact for you. Musicians are paid by the family of the deceased - and often can be arranged through the funeral home if one is involved.
(916) 482-9666
3235 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95825
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil : 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM (Livestreamed)
11:30 AM and 5:30 PM
"Drive-up" Communion Service on Sundays:
10:30-11:15 AM
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, Thursday: 5:30 p.m.