- Barb and I have been parishioners since 1985
- RCIA Leadership Team since 2008
- Knights of Columbus 4970 3rd Degree since 2018
- Adult Confirmation Coordinator since 2021
- Pastoral Council Member and Deanery Representative 2022-2024
- Pastoral Council Chair 2024
My family and I joined St. Ignatius Parish in 2017 when we enrolled my oldest son in the Parish school. Because of my own Jesuit education, I have tried to demonstrate the virtue of being men and women for others by joining our St. Vincent de Paul ministry in 2022 and serving the least of our brothers and sisters.
I joined the parish in 2001 and since then have been involved in the Liturgical Ministry. I was one of the founding members of St. Vincent de Paul on Feb 2021. I was the President of the Parish Pastoral Council from 2020-2022. I formed the SI Filipino-American community in 2023. I was also parish staff as Advancement Director from 2022-2024.
I have been a St Ignatius parishioner since young, when our family moved here from Chicago. I served as chairperson to facilitate Listening and Learning sessions after the release of the report on Catholic Church sex abuse. I am one of the Parish team members for the Coalition for Racial Equity. I am one of the wedding coordinators.
It’s been an honor to serve on the Parish Council.
My family and I have been parishioners since 1988. I am presently a hospitality minister at 9:30 Sunday mass, and have been a member of the pastoral council, the Social Community, and our school board (CSAC). My three children are proud graduates of St. Ignatius School.
I joined the parish in 2020 when I was hired to direct Mission and Outreach and Young Adult Ministries at St. Ignatius. Currently, I serve as a Eucharistic Minister at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass and volunteer every year with the Feed-a-Family Christmas and Easter food drives.
Cheryl Tholcke and her husband Steve have been parishioners for 7 years at St Ignatius. She worked at the Diocesan Pastoral Center for 20 years , with a decade os service in the Marriage Tribunal. She serves as a lector and Eucharistic Minister.
I have been a part of St. Ignatius even before I was born, as my grandparents were one of the original “Barn Families.” I’m a second-generation SI Tiger, graduating in 2001, with my father in the class of 1966 and my son, Wilder, set to graduate in 2033. This is my third year as the 7th-grade teacher at SI. I became a lector and Eucharistic Minister. I am very excited to join the Pastoral Council.
I transferred to St. Ignatius Loyola parish in the late summer of 2016, following the closing of the Newman Center - Sacramento to non-student participants. Several of us from Newman Center transferred to SI and we brought with us our Loaves and Fishes (L&F) ministry which has been in existence for over 30+ years. I am the current Coordinator of the L&F ministry and I joined the Parish Council in late 2021.
My family and I have been parishioners since 2009. I served 3 years on SI school’s Catholic School Advisory Council and I am currently in my fourth year on the parish’s Pastoral Council. My wife, Meghan, and I also co-chaired the most recent capital campaign. Our 2 daughters, Brynn and Delaney, began attending the school as preschoolers; Brynn is now attending St. Francis HS and Delaney presently in 6th grade.
(916) 482-9666
3235 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95825
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil : 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM (Livestreamed)
11:30 AM and 5:30 PM
"Drive-up" Communion Service on Sundays:
10:30-11:15 AM
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, Thursday: 5:30 p.m.