Xavier Ministry

Xavier Ministry

Visits to the Homebound

St. Ignatius offers ministers who are willing and delighted to bring communion to parishioners who are homebound. Receiving communion is, of course, nourishing for body and spirit, but Christ is present in more than the host.

The minister to the homebound makes visible in a concrete way the love God has for those who are sick and isolated—that God sees them, remembers them, and persistently reaches out to them with tenderness. The minister also represents the love of our entire parish community, reminding those who cannot be present that we miss them and that they are important to us. The homebound person also reveals the holy presence of Christ. They embody that faith that Jesus displayed in his own suffering, reminding each of us of our call to let go of our attachments and trust in God’s promise to bring us through our suffering to freedom and new life.

The ministry to the homebound is a holy and mysterious exchange of transformative love through the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you or someone you know would like to be a Xavier minister or to receive a Xavier minister, please contact Rene Cardenas at:

(916)488-3907 Ext 1012 or email: xm@si-sac.org

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