Music & Technology


Are you a Singer?

Male or Female? "Young" or "Mature?"

Are you an Instrumentalist?

Guitar, bass, percussion, flute, violin?

Do you read music?

Not required, but helpful

Do you feel Called to serve the St. Ignatius community?


Then you are invited to join the Music Team!

Please see the information below and contact our Music Director for more information on how you can participate in this fun, meaningful and important ministry at St. Ignatius.


Parish Choir

The Parish Choir members sing weekly at the 9:30 am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are every Thursday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the church. New members are always welcome.

5:30 pm Ensemble

A praise and worship-style music group that grew from our Young Adult Ministry, and leads the music at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass. All are welcome to join, whether you are a young adult or young at heart.

Children's Choir

The St. Ignatius School Choir leads singing at all school liturgies during the school year and occasionally at the 9:30 am Sunday Mass.


In addition, we have a Parish Children's Choir that sings at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass each year. Children from 3rd-8th grade from any school are welcome.


Sound Board Ministry:
Our Church sound system requires mixing operators at weekend liturgies whenever there is a music group. Anyone interested in music/sound technology or skilled in soundboard experience is welcome to join our team of board operators.

Videography Ministry:
Videographers/Live-stream operators are needed to run the system to bring our masses in a virtual way to those who can not attend mass in person. Familiarity with the mass, competency with computers and social media, and the ability to think on your feet all are helpful in this ministry. Currently streaming is done Sundays at 9:30 am. Streaming is also done for special events.

Fratelli Ruffatti Pipe Organ

Information & Specifications

Director of Music

Alan Nissila

(916) 744-5180

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