



At Christmas

"...starting with a pallet of 600 flat cardboard boxes waiting to be unfolded and taped for Feed-A-Family on December 21st. It takes a couple of trucks to pick up items we need to purchase. Freezer space for 300 turkeys, and an equal number of boxes of stuffing mix, 3,000 pounds of potatoes, 1,500 pounds of apples, 300 pounds each of bacon and butter, 3,600 eggs, gelatinous towers of peanut butter, jelly and canned cranberry sauce, 300 packages of fresh Hawaiian dinner rolls, and a mountain of cereal boxes and candy.

It takes an angelic host of volunteers to build the boxes, to carry donated food from the church, school, and parish offices to the

Parish Center, to fill each box carefully, and then to carry them gently to cars on a cold Saturday morning. The loading is directed by dedicated mega elves: Linda Parreira, and Heather & Mitch Derenzo. Our faithful Archangels: Annette Belisle, Laura Chacon, and Nik Lushenko will welcome each car, each grandma, kid, and backseat dog as they check them in. At the end of the morning, a mountain of cardboard has to be recycled, and 60 tables need to be folded and put away."

Perambulations: Fr. Tom Lucas. December 22, 2024


Stewardship is an attitude of the mind and heart that expresses itself in action. Our parish is not simply a place to "stop by" once a week to fulfill an obligation. It should be an ongoing source of spiritual strength and a center for learning about our faith. Christian stewards accept their baptismal responsibility to carry out the mission of the Church by contributing their time, talent, and treasure to their parish communities.

01 Stewardship of Time

Prayer and Worship: 

God gives all of us 24 hours a day and 168 hours a week. As we try to balance the demands of family, work, friends, recreation and more, for each of us, time remains our most valuable commodity. As Christians who acknowledge that our very lives are a gift from our Lord, how much of a priority in our day is “time with God”? Do we specifically reserve one hour on Sunday each week in order to worship with our parish as the Body of Christ? How important is making time for a quiet time of prayer in our busy lives? Do we offer our prayers of gratitude for all God is to us, while also asking for God’s blessing on others? Stewards recognize that spending time with God in prayer and worship shows our gratitude to the Lord for His many gifts to us.

For ways to share your time as a steward, please visit the following:

Ignatian Spirituality

Liturgical Ministries

Mission and Outreach

02 Stewardship of Talent

Serving Others in Ministry: 
God gives each of us talents as gifts. Our talents are uniquely ours – and meant to be shared. We use our talents to earn a living and provide for ourselves and our families, but do we also make a commitment to use our God-given talents to enrich the lives of others? Do we make it a priority to share whatever unique abilities and passions we have been given to build up our faith community and the world around us? St Ignatius Loyola Parish has a long-tradition of serving others in ministry. We are excited to have many ministries where parishioners can give their talents for the benefit of the parish and greater community. Stewards recognize that sharing our talents in service to others shows our gratitude to the Lord for His many gifts to us.

For ways to share your talent as a steward, please visit our different ministries pages.

03 Stewardship of  Treasure         

Giving Sacrificially: 
God knows the importance of money. In fact, there are four times as many references in Sacred Scripture to money and possessions than there are references to prayer and faith. Over ten percent of the New Testament relates directly to financial matters. But God’s instruction about money is entirely counter-cultural: the treasure given to us by God is given so that we generously use it to enrich the lives of others and to build God’s Kingdom here on earth. Our spending reflects what is important and a priority to us. How much is spent on a car, dining out, the latest gadget or entertainment? In comparison, where does God fall on our list of spending priorities? Scripture tells us to “Honor the Lord with the first fruits of all you produce.” (Proverbs 11:24) Have we established a planned, intentional and proportionate plan for honoring God with our treasure? Stewards recognize that sharing our treasure to build God’s Kingdom here on earth shows our gratitude to the Lord for His many gifts to us.

For ways to share your treasure as a steward, please visit our giving page: Giving
Want to Volunteer?
Call us at 916-482-9666
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