
In the Catholic Church, stewardship is the idea that humans are stewards of God's creation and should care for the world and all life on it. Stewardship is a lifestyle of gratitude, responsibility, and accountability.

It is based on the idea that everything we have is a gift from God and that we should be generous and grateful with those gifts

Giving to St. Ignatius Parish through the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) of IRAs or Retirement Plans

Many 73 and older take their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA or retirement plan at the beginning of each new calendar year.


You can satisfy a portion of your RMD through a qualified charitable distribution directly from your IRA or retirement plan. These monetary gifts to qualified charities (like St. Ignatius Loyola Parish) are not included in taxable income. 


Please consider naming us a beneficiary. Name:

  • Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Sacramento, a corporation sole, located at 3235 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825


Contact Michelle Wyatt at or 916-744-5174 for Federal Tax ID number, other information you may need and to let us know you will be giving this to the Parish this way. Thank you!





My life has been enriched by Jesuit teaching and Ignatian spirituality offered in this parish. The gifts I have been blessed with are not for me to keep to myself. I am committed to supporting our parish, not only with my time and talent in care of the poor, but also with monetary contributions. Our financial support is vital to sustaining the work of the parish staff and the ministries that serve our parish community. All for the greater glory of God.

Vivian Veloso Macaspac

Parishioner and

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference President

Senior Quest was inspired by members of our parish bereavement group and Senior Connections. For many once they had their grief and daily life balanced there was not enough for them to focus on. Good health and loneliness were motivating factors. Hence Senior Quest - a service and social group for seniors still standing gracefully. We sponsor trust seminars, Ignatian history presentations, sheriffs’ scam workshops, game days, potlucks, and an upcoming Advent bible study. These activities are open to all parishioners of any age. We rely on the support of the parish for the facility, advertising, and help from the staff.

Kenton Meyers & Mark Warren

Senior Quest Co-Leaders

The St. Ignatius Filipino-American (Fil-Am) fellowship and social ministry was launched in the fall of 2023. The first "project" we were given was to hold the quintessential Filipino Advent practice of a 9-day Simbang Gabi (SG) novena in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We held our first Simbang Gabi in December 2023. We couldn't have done it without the prayerful and financial support from the generous parishioners and school families at SI. The donations we collected from Simbang Gabi allowed us to be a more self-sustaining ministry and we continue to grow. We are grateful for the continued support from priests and staff at St. Ignatius and use of facilities to give the

Fil-Am a place to gather and celebrate.

Maribel Arizmendi

Steering Committee Member

Filipino-American Fellowship and Social Ministry

Your gifts of Unrestricted Parish Support or Sunday Offering are what pays for church programming, staff, maintenance, and operations. This is our parish, our faith community, which is the source of so much support for us, for our families, and for our wider neighborhood community. Let us answer the call for help and share in the work of ensuring our viability and continued good works, all for the Greater Glory of God!"

Julie Nauman

Finance Council member

What I love about our priests and staff here at S.I. is they are dedicated and supportive of our parish ministries. They show moral courage and kindness. Because I recognize and appreciate how exceptional our priests and staff are I have committed to financially supporting our Church."

Cheryl Mello

Pastoral Council Member

I believe in the Jesuit mission to develop men and women for others and therefore give to the parish. My Dad was Jesuit educated and I was fortunate to attend Creighton University where I received an excellent Jesuit education as well. I am happy to send my children to the parish school to continue our family tradition. Through my work with the church's St. Vincent de Paul ministry, I try to live out scripture teachings to be the hands of feet of Christ by serving the poor."

Maria Ventura

Pastoral Council Member

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My name is Mitch Derenzo and I am the Chair of the Parish Finance Council, so I will be sharing with you some details of the financial results for the Parish. I will try to keep it light for a Sunday morning.

I hope that you were all able to hear Fr. Tom’s Sermon on the Amount last week or if not were able to read last week’s bulletin where Fr. Tom did a great job sharing some of the successes and challenges, we faced today and in the most recent fiscal year. If you didn’t see last week’s bulletin, I encourage you to go to the Parish website and pull it up.

Some of the things that jumped out at me from Fr. Tom’s sermon last week were his transparency. His frequent use of the phrase Thanks and Help.  I appreciated how he shared how generous our parishioners are.  We have done a great job of helping our community through the Misson and Outreach areas, including the St Vincent de Paul and the Annual Catholic Appeal as well as helping our sister parish in Honduras through Fr. Jack’s Appeal. Also, we did a great job reducing the debt we owe on our great school building and the parish office building. Your generosity has helped the Capital Campaign #2 be a great success. 

I also appreciated Fr. Tom’s transparency and honesty in explaining the “Help” plea.  The bottom line is we are responsible with finances and resources, and we are being good stewards in helping others, however, like most of you our day-to-day expenses are increasing. Our donations are decreasing, and our expenses are increasing. Fortunately, we have bult up some savings that we were able to dip in to, but the concern is those won’t sustain us if this net outflow continues. So, I think the Help plea is coming at a good time. We are currently financially stable but now is the time we plan for our future.

Being the head of the Finance Council gives me plenty of opportunity to dive into the numbers and spend time with Fr. Tom going over the numbers and planning for the future. I frequently have to remind him, and he doesn’t like to hear it, but he is the CEO of the parish and much like the CEO of a major corporation he needs to make some tough decisions, decisions he did not learn about while in the Seminary. I reiterate that this Parish is fiscally responsible, yet there are many things we can’t control. When things get tough folks tend to make fewer donations which is why our collections are down 11% over the past 5 years. During that same period the expenses have increased 28%, which is why we have been running at a deficit for the past two years.  We are all experiencing increased prices, as an employer we face competition to add and retain quality staff. We need to provide modest salary increases to our great staff, many of which can take their services elsewhere for more pay but their passion for the parish and our mission keeps them here at St. Ignatius, but we need to take care of them with the cost-of-living increases. In light of Fr. Art’s passing, we are down to two clergy, and the duties are being shared by the staff. 

Most of our expense line items are increasing particularly in the insurance premiums, utilities and technology areas. We have spent quite a bit more the past couple of years on security measures to protect our school, staff and you, that includes an increase in security guards and building improvements.   

Another take-away from Fr. Tom’s sermon last week was his mention of Realm and how he increased his personal donation, I also use Realm so that motivated me to go home last Sunday and increase my offerings. Speaking of Realm, I hope many of you use it or are at least familiar with it. I think it is a great way to give. It gives me the opportunity to view all of the available giving options. Not only does it help me with my personal budgeting by regularly giving it helps the parish plan for its budget. It helps the parish know what’s coming in and there are no disruptions if you are unable to be at mass. And for me I don’t have to remember to bring a check to church each week. If you are not signed up for Realm, I encourage you to go to the Parish website and look for the “giving” tab. If you do use Realm, I encourage you to review your current giving and see if you can increase them. 

We are blessed to be part of such a wonderful parish, and I encourage you to support it. We do so many wonderful things. 

We started a new mental health ministry this year and we’ve supported the growth of all of our other community outreach programs.

I am asking everyone to think about increasing their weekly, monthly or annual giving and consider a one-time end of year gift. Also consider giving through other means like investment securities or your IRA minimum required distribution. There are cards in the pews that detail how to get information on those programs. 

I reiterate the Thanks as this is a very generous Parish, as you give to so many of our Ministries, the ask is that you continue to do that, but I am asking for gifts to Unrestricted Parish Support or your Sunday Offering because this is where money is used to offset church expenses such as programming, staff, maintenance and operations, etc. Please look at the cards in the pews and prayerfully consider how you can help out.

Many Thanks and Please Help.

Mitch Derenzo, Chair of the Parish Finance Council

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I am Patrick Kozlowski, and I am a member of the Finance Council.

I have been involved with St. Ignatius Parish for over 30 years. I have two children that graduated from St. Ignatius School. 

As a member of the Finance Council, we meet monthly to review the parish finances and make recommendations to our Pastor. In recent weeks, you have heard from Fr. Tom about our finances. Like everyone else, our expenses have increased substantially over the last several years, yet our weekly collections have remained relatively unchanged for the last six years. Utilities, insurance, maintenance, and other costs have continued to go up and an increase in our Sunday collections and annual giving is urgently needed. 

I also volunteer in the office on occasion, and I see the dedication of the great staff we have at St. Ignatius. It is important that we are able to pay our employees a reasonable wage and benefits. The staff and volunteers are excellent stewards of the limited resources that we have to work with. Our staff and volunteers also assist our various community programs including St. Vincent de Paul, Sharing God’s Bounty, and other outreach programs. 

There are several ways to donate to the weekly collection, including the on-line giving program, On Realm, or simply by placing your donation in the weekly collection basket. 

I use the On Realm web site for my donations. I like how easy it is. But I’ve noticed that it’s been a few years since I increased my own monthly giving. It’s easy to set on auto pilot and forget about it, so I’m just asking us all to look at how long it’s been since we’ve increased our contribution and see if there is room for an increase. 

Patrick Kozlowski, Finance Council member

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My name is Adam McGrew and I am a member of the pastoral council here at St. Ignatius. You may recognize me as a eucharistic minister at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass or from the Feed-A-Family Christmas and Easter Food Drive Distribution Day events.

When I joined the parish in 2021, I was struck by how committed our parishioners are to ensuring that St. Ignatius remains a place where community is encountered, and the love of God is shared. Even in the throes of the pandemic, the zeal with which this community worshiped, served, and supported one another was impressive.

Whether it is offering a hot meal, rental or utility assistance, a place for prayer, or faith formation for young and old alike, St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is a place where God is encountered, and the values of God’s Kingdom are lived out. This is why I give to the Parish - because I want St. Ignatius to continue to be a foundation for the community that is lifegiving for so many.

My first introduction to St. Ignatius was as a parish staff member. I remember that every once in a while, an agenda item at the parish staff meetings would be a report on something that broke or needed replacing. Think for a moment - when your washing machine, dishwasher, or A/C unit suddenly stops working, you have to figure out how to get it repaired. That usually involves a headache, in part induced by figuring out how much it will cost. A parish is no different: things break from time to time, and it takes a bit of money to fund the repairs. In this case, it's a broken chiller for an A/C unit in the church that’s supposed to host five Masses each weekend or a freezer that is no longer keeping turkeys frozen for the Feed-A-Family Christmas food drive.

Adam McGrew, SI Pastoral Council Member

 Stewards participate in building the Kingdom of God by using their gifts.


 why I give

to support the programming I love and/or am involved in

to support the skilled parish staff helping to program as well as new initiatives.

to ensure our parish continues to survive and thrive


Easy and fast

Online payment system where deductions are automatically taken from your credit/debit card or checking account.

Donations can be deducted weekly, bi-monthly, monthly or quarterly.

Log onto or download the app.


Envelopes for Sunday Giving can be provided.  Make checks payable to: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Give appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares you have owned for more than a year and receive an income tax deduction for the full value of the securities without incurring capital gains tax.

Satisfy a portion of your required minimum distribution from your IRA or retirement plan through a qualified charitable distribution directly from your IRA or retirement plan. Name: Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Sacramento, a corporation sole, located at 3235 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825, a beneficiary.

Monetary gifts to qualified charities are not included in taxable income.

The Parish will provide their Federal Tax ID number.

Planned gifts can be made to St. Ignatius Loyola Parish through bequests by will, living trusts, charitable trusts, etc.

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is a 501c3 non-profit and can receive matching gifts from parishioner employers or other organizations.

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