Filipino American Community


Commissioning 2024

The Filipino Apostolate of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento and St. Paul Catholic Parish in Sacramento invited the parishioners of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish to join in for the Commissioning of the Simbang Gabi by the Most Reverend Auxiliary Bishop Rey Bersabal, last Saturday, December 7 2024. Delegates from the different parishes across the Diocese came together. Fellowship and a program followed the Holy Mass.



Established in 2023 at St. Ignatius Parish.

We are a group of Filipino-American parishioners in the greater Sacramento area:

* united in faith

* with a strong desire to foster our sense of identity and need for community

* bound by our shared cultural values

* inspired by a mission of outreach and service

San Lorenzo Ruiz

Patron Saint of the Philippines, Filipino youth, Altar Servers, and people working overseas

He was born in Manila on November 28, 1954, to a Chinese father and a Filipino mother.

Ruiz was married and had three children. In 1936 when working as a clerk at the Binondo convent, he was falsely accused of murdering a Spanish soldier. Fearing for his life, he fled with three Dominican Priests to Japan. At that time christians were persecuted and torture to death by the Tokuagawa Shogunate if they not renounce their faith.

Ruiz and his companions were capture and subjected to torture in Nagasaki since they remained resolute in their faith.

Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila was beatified by Pope John Paul II on February 18, 1981, in the Philippines. He was canonized a FILIPINO MARTYR, along his companions on September 28th.

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